Our Programs
“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.’”
- John 14:6
Sunday School
Sunday School (Preschool- 6th Grade) begins in the Adult Classroom to open with an opening activity or music, and then divide into classes and meet in various Sunday School classrooms.
Text @sundayhope to 81010 to receive updates about Sunday school from the Remind app.
The Way
We are trying to set these young people (3rd-6th graders) on the correct path for their life. We’re trying to show them the way. Through Sunday School, Wednesday night ConneXions, special events and retreats, these children have the opportunity to learn about God’s love and build relationships with others, so that as they move on in life, they will have help along the way.
Text @wayouth to 81010 to receive updates about Sunday school from the Remind app.
The Truth
These are our church’s Confirmation students (7th-8th graders). Through our Wednesday night Confirmation program and Sunday School, we place the truths about God, the Bible and humanity into the hands of these young people. Through study, fellowship and service these truths are illumined and clarified so that as our confirmands move forward, they will have skills and tools they need for life.
Text @truthyout to 81010 to receive updates about Sunday school from the Remind app.
The Life
Having learned the truths of faith, our high school ministry seeks to facilitate relationships through a community that is welcoming, accepting and caring, asking questions regarding how to live our lives for Jesus in the midst of a non-Christian society. In weekly classes, retreats, events, trips and just hanging out, our youth connect with God and one another in a way that encourages life.
Text @lifeyouth1 to 81010 to receive updates about Sunday school from the Remind app.