April 2023 Council Highlights
The monthly meeting of Hope Lutheran’s Church Council was hybrid, held Tuesday, April 18, 2023 in Hope’s conference room.
Offerings are Down: Hope Matters and your support helps make Hope Happen. The link to Online Giving is on our webpage, and we are now passing the plate on Sundays.
Hope is Happening:
The Call Team has shared their draft of our Ministry Site Profile. They will soon have a final draft for Council and Synod approval.
The Youth Advisory Team is led by David Cooper and coordinating Sunday School, VBS, and Summer Camps—watch for opportunities to join in the fun!
The Personnel Team welcomes new members Susie Cole and Pam Geraci.
The Strategic Planning Team is looking to the future. Contact Pastor Rick or Amanda Berryhill if you feel called to help in this process.
Scholarships—are you attending or planning to attend a Lutheran University in the fall? Email your interest in this scholarship to Pastor Rick by May 9th, so he can recommend you be considered.
Hope Homecoming is May 7th at Dry Creek Park—plan to attend.
Hope Crab Feed is back—save Friday, February 2, 2024 on your calendar and contact Kristina Garabedian if you would like to be on the planning team for this event.
Hope is Listening: Watch for Council Members during coffee hour. This is a chance to ask questions about Hope, get answers, and share your concerns and ideas for Hope.
Hope Cares about our community—regularly extending our Wednesday night dinners to people in our community who are experiencing housing and food challenges.