January 2023 Council Highlights
The monthly meeting of Hope Lutheran’s Church Council was hybrid, held Tuesday, January 17, 2023 in Hope’s conference room.
• Maintenance Day: Help keep our campus beautiful, inside and out, by joining our Maintenance Day on the first Saturday of each month. Thank you to our Property and Grounds team for this inspiration.
• Church Picnic: Donna Lippmann volunteered, and the Council approved, planning a Church Picnic for a weekend in May or June. Watch for more details.
• Elections: New Church Council officers were elected:
President: Amanda Berryhill
Vice President: Ryan Groft
Treasurer: Sharon Garabedian
Secretary: Eric Wheeler
• Call Team: Thank you for completing your surveys. Watch for an opportunity to review and approve our Site Ministry Profile sometime in March.
• March Congregation Meeting: Our annual congregation meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 12, 2023 after the service.
• Extra Mile Giving a Success: Thank you for your extra mile giving. Due to the generous extra mile giving of members, a donation from the Learning Tree, and spending freezes on many budget lines, we ended the year with a surplus of $4,555.
• Choir Director Funded: In light of the recent resignations of our Audio/Visual Technician and our Youth Ministry Assistant, the Finance Team recommended, and the Council approved, moving $8,500 from the Youth Ministry Assistant budget line to the Choir Director Line.
• Audio Volunteers: Watch for opportunities to learn how our sound equipment works and become a part of the team of volunteers who make our Sunday services happen—in person and online.