Sunday School
Registration is now open for Sunday School 2024-25.
Please click on the button below to register your child.
If you have multiple children, please register each one individually. Thank you!

We offer a comprehensive, Bible-based Sunday school designed for children in Preschool to 6th Grade.
We offer an exciting Sunday School program every Sunday morning from 10:45-11:45, following our 9:30 am worship service. We offer Sunday School classes for children in Kindergarten through 6th grade. Please email Ms. Nan at nanette@hopelutheranfresno.org for information on Confirmation Bible study class for 7th and 8th graders.
Our children grades kindergarten through six gather together for an opening time of song and prayer, followed by their class time. With all of these children together, the energy in the room is contagious and these children are excited to learn and grow in faith together!

Designed for the primary elementary school grades.
Our children in kindergarten through grade two are using the Holy Moly curriculum through Sparkhouse which uses video, creative lessons, crafts, and activities to teach children about God’s love for them. Usually, adults rotate as lead teachers every 8 weeks, and high school “shepherds” form relationships with the children and help with the lessons. After our Sunday School opening in the Adult Classroom, the classes break into their groups and meet in the Sunday school classrooms.

With Holy Moly, stories in the Bible come to life with animation and color.

Designed for the intermediate elementary school grades.
Our children in third through sixth grades use the Connect curriculum through Sparkhouse which connects hilarious videos, Bible stories, and hands-on projects and activates them to have real faith discussions with their adult teachers, high school “shepherds”, and peers. After our Sunday School opening in the Adult Classroom, this class meets each week in The Lounge.

With Connect, Biblical concepts come to life with fun animation and humor.

Designed for those in Middle School.
In order to prepare our youth for their confirmation, they are asked to attend weekly Bible studies on Sunday morning, Our children in seventh and eighth grade go through the Bible in two years. Beginning in Fall 2021, they are using the Colaborate curriculum. Why is the Bible organized the way it is? Who are the judges and why do they matter? Why are Paul’s letter so important to Christians? This curriculum invites students to question and dive-deeper into the intricacies of the Bible.